East View delivers online news and scholarly content from the world over. Whether the content was born digital or digitized by East View, we provide the tools for researchers to search and browse digital content easily and intuitively.
Since 1989, East View has been delivering uncommon information from extraordinary places. Our online content is truly global, with resources from Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and more.
Representative content includes:
East View presents Global Press Archive® (GPA), a groundbreaking program to create the most comprehensive collection of digital news sources from around the world.
Area Studies Initiative
The Area Studies Initiative is the Global Press Archive program’s newest collaborative engagement with academic libraries to support the production of a diverse range of global newspaper archives that align with the collection goals and strategies of librarians from the five major area studies disciplines – African, Asian, Latin American, Middle Eastern, and Slavic.
East View presents Global Census Archive® (GCA), an innovative program to collect official data and publications issued by the national census authorities of more than 200 countries, from the early 19th century to the present day, providing a key resource for scholars and analysts to find current and historical census data to support critical research into our changing world.
This truly global collection contains all available primary source and official census publications associated with a given census. Presented on a customized platform, GCA currently contains millions of pages of publications and billions of data points in GIS format, with more content continually added as new censuses are produced across the globe.
Partner with East View to convert materials currently in hard-to-use or deteriorating physical formats into digital resources accessible from any authenticated location 24/7
East View offers specific title searches for rare and older items, as well as subject searches to locate books and articles on a specified topic
East View is your professional, reliable supplier for periodicals in print and online format, in all languages and subjects from around the world