World Arms Trade Database (UDB-ARMS)

Expert analyses and statistical data on the world arms trade

As one of the world’s most comprehensive databases on the ever-growing global arms trade, the World Arms Trade Database (UDB-ARMS) is a powerful digital resource created under the auspices of the Tsentr analiza mirovoi torgovli oruzhiem (TsAMTO) (Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade [CAWAT]) in Moscow, Russia. Consisting of three products—a yearbook and monthly and weekly publications—the UDB-ARMS database provides comprehensive data and robust analysis on the global movement of arms and material from production to their procurement by various states and state actors. As such, the database allows researchers and industry analysts to gain up-to-date and unique insights into the latest developments in the global arms trade, industry trends and dynamics, and various other related topics.

World Arms Trade Database

Key Stats

  • Archive: 2018-present
  • Language: Russian
  • City: Moscow
  • Country: Russia
  • Frequency: Varies
  • Updates: Continuous
  • Format: PDF, article-based
  • Producer: East View Information Services
  • Platform: East View Universal Database


The UDB-ARMS database contains three publications. Each publication may be purchased separately; contact us for more details.

Ezhegodnik TSAMTO: Statistika i analiz mirovoi torgovli oruzhiem. (The CAWAT Yearbook: Statistics and Analysis of the World Arms Trade)
A major Russian annual report on arms trade prepared by the Russian Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade. Contains crucial statistical data on the world arms trade, as well as the expert analyses of the world import and export of weapons. This important reference publication focuses on global aspects of arms trade, analysis of key events and developments of international and regional weapons markets. Updated every December for the previous year. The UDB-ARMS database includes Yearbook 2018 (covering 2010-2017) and Yearbook 2019 (covering 2011-2018). The yearbooks are approximately 1,300 pages.

Mirovaia torgovlia oruzhiem (World Arms Trade Magazine)
Published monthly since November 2009. Contains detailed analytical materials on the most significant current events in the world arms trade, reviews of the largest world and Russian arms shows, detailed statistical analysis of arms procurements by a country or by a region, as well as statistics on the international market in regard to various types of armaments. Provides a detailed review of major events in the world arms trade during the preceding month. The UDB-ARMS database includes content from 2020-present. Issues range from 30-50 pages.

Monitor: Ezhenedel’nyi obzor voenno-tekhnicheskoi informatsii (Monitor: Military-Technical Information Weekly Review)
A weekly summary of world weapon production and arms sales, produced by the Russian Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade. The articles cover all issues pertaining to world arms trade, weapons production, defense budgets, and arms development programs. The UDB-ARMS database includes content from 2020-present. Issues range from 40-80 pages.

East View’s Universal Database™ Platform

As the largest provider of authoritative information on Russia and the former Soviet Union, East View offers an innovative approach to electronic research. We maintain redundant hosted environments for this content in Minneapolis and Moscow on our Universal Database™ platform (UDB).

Customize and Optimize Your Library
  • Build collections from individual online titles
  • Link options for Online Public Access
  • IP/password access to standard or custom collections
  • Stable URLs for linking on a database level or on individual title and article levels
  • Mirror servers in U.S. and Russia
  • Usage reports in COUNTER format
Increase Your Efficiency
  • Interface functions are optimized for specific content types
  • Browse by specific title and issue
  • Mobile friendly access
  • Easily exportable citations
  • Transliteration, Russian, Ukrainian or English language searches
  • Virtual Russian and Ukrainian keyboard displays available for ease of input

* UDB and Universal Database are international trademarks of East View Information Services, Minneapolis, MN, USA

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