Soviet Military Posters

Rare collection of 3,000+ posters from critical era in Soviet history

The Soviet Military Posters collection offers extensive and unique insight into the Soviet military and Soviet visual culture. This meticulously compiled digital archive consists of a remarkable collection of 3,361 posters, each offering a window into the rich tapestry of Soviet military history and propaganda.

Published by Voenizdat, the principal Soviet military publishing house, these posters span the period from 1956 to 1995, a critical era in Soviet and world history. The collection covers 24 unique subjects, providing a panoramic view of Soviet military thought and ideology. These subjects range from Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy and Artillery to more specialized topics like Chemical and Nuclear Warfare, Small Arms and Firearms, NATO, Aircraft Design, and Living Conditions.

For researchers and scholars, the Soviet Military Posters database is more than just a collection of images; it’s a rich, primary source that offers unprecedented insights into the Soviet mindset and propaganda mechanisms. It serves as a crucial tool for understanding not only the military strategies and technologies of the Soviet Union but also the sociopolitical and cultural underpinnings that influenced them.

Soviet Military Posters

Key Stats

  • Archive: 1956-1995
  • Language: Russian
  • City: Moscow
  • Country: Russia
  • Format: PDF, page-based
  • Producer: East View Information Services
  • Platform: East View Universal Database

About the Collection

The Soviet Military Posters collection consists of 3,361 posters. Of these, over 2,000 have been thoughtfully organized into 420 different Sets (Series), while the remaining ones exist as single entries. Each poster and Set within the database are not just visual artifacts but also well-documented pieces of history. Extensive metadata is available for each poster and set, including English translations for all titles.

The database features robust filtering by Subject, Set, Classification, and Year, while searching is available in English, Russian and in Transliteration. Furthermore, advanced OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology has been employed to make every text on these posters searchable. This enhances the usability of the database, allowing researchers to delve into specific themes, slogans, and propaganda messages with ease.

Note: The posters in this collection are available for online viewing only, no printing or downloads are permitted. Print on Demand services are available for printed posters, including different sizes, paper types, and finishing options. Please inquire for more details.

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