The Mainichi Shimbun (毎⽇新聞, Daily News) is the oldest existing Japanese daily newspaper with a history spanning over 140 years. It continues to be one of the most important daily newspapers in Japan today. Dramatic and fundamental changes were taking place in Japan during the Meiji era (1868-1912) when reforms were implemented in education, economics, the military, foreign relations, and politics. During these transformative years, two newspapers were established: the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun (東京日日新聞) in 1872, and the Osaka Nippo (大 阪日報) in 1876. The two papers merged in 1911 and were placed under the Mainichi Shimbun masthead in 1943.
The Maisaku database provides access to over 6 million articles from Mainichi Shimbun since 1872 to present and the Mainichi Weekly Economist from 1989. Newspaper images from 1989 to 1999 are in flash format, which include features like page turning, scaling, bookmarking, etc., as in an electronic book.
The Maisaku database is divided into the following search modules:
In addition, users of the Maisaku online database gain access to the following supplementary content: